Wall Mounted Screw manufacturers Accessories-Wall mounted hooks 銆?/strongProduct Number锛?/strongYL-408001銆?/strong A small but substantial home improvement accessories. Our wall mounted hangers have high weight capacity and can be used to hang all kinds of shelves or storage baskets. Its modern and simple appearance fits in different style home decoration and also great for offices and work places. Easy installation: 1. Measure the distance between the mounting holes on the baskets or shelves. 2. Wipe and clean the surface of the wall then mark. 3. Drill holes in the wall where you have made the marks and install the hooks onto the wall. 銆?/strongProduct Specification銆?/strong Product name锛?/strongAccessories-Wall mounted hangers Material: Copper Size锛?/strongLength: 1.7cm, Width: 1.7cm, Height: 1.9cm, Inner groove:7.3mm Weight: 38g Surface finishing锛?/strongElectroplating (Chrome plating) Accessories: 2 x Screws, 2 x Wall Anchors Place of production锛?/strongMade in Taiwan Easy to assemble with high weight capacity. Can be used to hang shelves, baskets, or spice racks. Sets up anywhere in the house, office or workplace! Hot Tags锛歁ade in Taiwan銆乊ULI銆丳rocessing銆乫actory銆乸roduce銆乻tainless steel銆亀all mounted hooks銆亀all mounted hangersWall Mounted Screw manufacturers website:http://www.dishrack-yuli.com/accessories/wall-mounted-screw/
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