foundation reinforcement and lifting project Can be checked in after rectification

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foundation reinforcement and lifting project

When the house tilts, many owners will have such a question when the house has a tilting problem can be checked in after correction? Is it safe? The answer is yes. If the house can not be moved in after the reinforcement correction, why bother to correct the house? It is just that many owners will have misunderstandings about this, and do not understand the correction of housing. The following foundation reinforcement and lifting project Xiaobian will analyze the tilt correction and strengthening of the house with you.

When it is found that the tilt rate of the house exceeds 3 ‰, then we can not continue to slack off, according to the current tilt status of the house, the application of appropriate reinforcement measures, targeted reinforcement of the house, so that after the end of the processing work, let the house look new.

Because the correction project is a large project, it is not necessary to blindly construct it, but to know the specific inclination Angle of the house at present. Based on the severity of the settlement of the house at present, analyze whether to apply the forced landing correction technology or the jacking correction technology, or apply the two correction technologies simultaneously, so as to apply the two correction technologies at the same time after the correction work is completed. Obtain more superior rectification and reinforcement effect.

When the house has a tilt performance, it should be corrected in time:

When the house is only slightly inclined, the owner is really difficult to observe and realize, generally when the house is found to be inclined, it will be found that the tilt Angle is already very large, and then it is necessary to correct the deviation in time, otherwise when the tilt Angle is larger, there will be no value of correction and maintenance.

When the house is tested, the tilt rate of the house is also tested, and here we want to look at two values, respectively, three and seven parts per thousand. If the inclination rate is between 3 and 7 parts per thousand, it is necessary to use appropriate foundation consolidation techniques such as dynamic compaction or internal filling to maintain the foundation. If the inclination rate is greater than seven per thousand, this time is not a moment to delay, need to come up with a suitable way to correct the housing reinforcement.

foundation reinforcement and lifting project
