What Exactly K2, Spice or Synthetic Cannabis is? Complete Information

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K2, also known as "spice," is a synthetic cannabinoid often marketed as a legal alternative to marijuana. It's typically a mixture of dried plant material sprayed with synthetic chemicals that mimic the effects of THC, the active compound in marijuana K2 spray, K2spices,

What Exactly K2, Spice or Synthetic Cannabis is? Complete Information

The K2 spray first synthetic cannabinoids, also commonly known as “Spice” or “K2”, were introduced into the American market in the mid-2000’s. These designer drugs are made by spraying incense or other plant material with liquid chemicals that have been made in a laboratory to resemble (or simulate) the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the mind-altering component in natural marijuana.

Sometimes people mistakenly refer to synthetic cannabinoids as “fake weed” (or “synthetic marijuana”) and they often claim that they can be a healthy replacement for real cannabis. Synthetic cannabinoids do not contain actual marijuana, nonetheless, these lab-made compounds still affect cannabinoid (THC) receptors inside people’s brain.

Smoking artificial cannabinoid may provoke completely different reactions when compared to natural marijuana. This might result in them being more potent than normal weed and equally unpleasant and sometimes harmful.

Synthetic cannabinoids are used in a similar way as marijuana i.e., one can either smoke it alone using joints or other types of smoking devices like pipes or bongs, or mix it with tobacco or natural marijuana when rolling a joint. Such drugs could be cooked into cake-like substances e.g., brownies or brewed into tea.

Synthetic cannabinoids are reported to give the same experience as natural K2 spice spray marijuana users claim; that is, they feel happy and relaxed while being in an altered state of consciousness. This might be more intense than it is with ordinary marijuana because of the artificial component present in it. Sometimes people go through psychotic effects such as extreme anxiety, paranoia, and hallucination. There have been cases of emergency department visits due to synthetic cannabinoid intake.

What ingredients are found in Spice or K2?

These synthetic agents’ cannabinoid compounds function within the exact cell receptors as THC does on normal marijuana. Some of these chemicals include:2

  • HU-210
  • CP 47,497 and homologues
  • JWH-018
  • JWH-073
  • JWH-398
  • JWH-250
  • oleamide

The binding affinity of several synthetic compounds in synthetic cannabinoids for THC receptor sites is much higher than that of ordinary marijuana, leading to stronger unpredictable or potentially dangerous effects. Particularly, some synthesized chemicals have been reported to possess up to 100 times more potency than standard THC contained in Marijuana.

Are synthetic cannabinoids are dangerous to health

Considering that it was depicted in a variety of case reports and highlighted by health care authorities in the USA, this proves that synthetic cannabinoids are really dangerous. Among them:

  • Hypertension
  • Throwing up as well as nausea
  • Anxiety or restlessness
  • Fits / seizures
  • Tachycardia (fast heart rate)
  • Perspiration more than normal
  • Misunderstanding
  • Delusions

Spice and K2 which are also commonly known as increase blood pressure with reduced blood flow to the heart muscle resulting into development of myocardial ischemia, which sometimes causes heart attacks.

According to reports, three teens who had used marijuana were hospitalized for poisoning. These patients had varying degrees of catatonia (unresponsiveness to verbal commands and pain), increased heart rates, restlessness, nervousness, giddiness, headaches, profuse perspiration, slow speech production and disorientation. Two of them improved within 3-4 hours and reverted back to their normal conditions while one spent the night in the hospital

Finally, Illinois Department of Heath reported many cases of severe bleeding in persons who have taken synthetic cannabinoids that were contaminated with blood thinners such as Spice or K2 Spice spary. Then Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) posted an Outbreak Alert indicating life-threatening vitamin K-dependent antagonist bleeding disorders linked with synthetic cannabinoid use in Illinois as well as other states.
