A thousand Li smiles in the color of pansy

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Soon, they became one with Beijia in private. Chapter 61 the battle of artifacts 4. Qianli stood in the mi

Phoenix God: Don't guess. Don't let in? I want to see if they can destroy me in one move! Although the Phoenix is not all knights, its defense is a little worse than that of the Saint. Its HP is less than 1000 points, and it has nearly 6000 HP after eating the HP gain Dan. With the "Holy Light Guardian" of Tai Chi, it is at least able to resist. However, when the scene changes, the role will have 1 to 2 seconds of stagnation time. The entry of Jinchen has already alarmed the snake. If they really have six people, they are bound to keep a close eye on the door to prepare for the attack. It may not be difficult for six people to play 9000 + HP. You know, they still have many enemies, and they must be careful and careful. Pansy: Well, Phoenix and I will go in first to disturb them. When the danger is reduced, you can go in together. Knife without trace: You? It is better for you to enter than for me to enter. Pansy: Brother Dao, my defense and HP are not as good as yours, but I have the 3000HP of Tuanzi at the bottom. Entering with Phoenix is bound to disperse their attack power. As long as the stagnation time, they can't hang me. With my speed, it's a very difficult task for them to attack me again. Besides, if I go in, I will go in. If we both go in, are you still afraid that they will not move at the door? Dao Guo Wuheng: It sounds the same. That's OK. I won't argue with you. Violet color: elder sister, after you go in, help me share some of the damage and then come out. Don't stand there. Phoenix God: I know. It was agreed that Tai Chi would mark them with a "Holy Light Guardian.". At the door of the tomb, the two men prepared two instant pills in their hands, looked at each other and nodded,calcium nitrate sol, and entered together. …… The body is one step faster than the eyes to pass the surrounding environment to the brain. No one can avoid the group attack skills. Hell Fire Sea + Ice Storm + Triple Arrow + Five Poisons Attack Heart + Ten Thousand Poisons Poison, instantly go to the two people's Holy Light Guardian. Hellfire is burning vigorously, and the two mages are followed by an ice storm + polar snowstorm, astrologer's "light bullet", knight's "Tiangang Zhengqi", archer's "flying arrow", hunting's "enhanced thrust".. Attack the two men separately. All of a sudden, the dumpling was hanging, half of its pansy color had dropped,diammonium phosphate fertilizer, and the full red blood trough of the phoenix "swished" straight back, as if someone had taken a pump to draw her blood. Phoenix worried about pansy, determined not to retreat, she was careful, HP has not shrunk to the end to take the ball to fill. 7000 + HP is the limit they can take away from Pansy. They can't kill her in 2 seconds, and then it's hard to hit her again. Map conversion stagnation time, fast occupation has been sent two strokes, the third move also want to continue, found that a person is missing, so under the storm, it is natural to understand that the other side hung up. It can be seen that the enemy who had already'hung up 'appeared behind them like a ghost, and the death gallows locked the astrologer who released the light marble. Like to pick the law department first attack has been formed a habit of pansy, astrology here is not a big role, it is reasonable to say that he is not the first to die, but the two masters have played a double shield, Magnesium Nitrate Fertilizer ,Magnesium Oxide price, he is unlucky! Assassination + backstab, few legal professions can escape this double attack, encounter equipment is not good, light hit assassination can solve him. [System Prompt]: You killed the player "It's a cool autumn". Since your behavior is justifiable defense, it does not increase the sin value. The astrology died, and the pansy immediately shot two small arrows in the sleeve at the assassin in front of him. Unfortunately, he did not get a crit and failed to kill him in seconds. The death of astrology and the assassin's blood emptiness made everyone aware of the crisis behind them. Suddenly, they were in a mess and could no longer concentrate their firepower on attacking the door. At this time the phoenix uses the second grain of special effect Dan, Hou outside the door of the people also rushed in at the same time, the situation defected. …… Those men knew that they were no match. They defended more than they attacked, and they retreated while fighting. Tomb of Evil Men dare not chase too closely, for fear of forcing BOSS out, when the time comes, everyone will suffer. The main tomb is the most extensive map in the underground palace. It is only maintained by the light of the jade bed in the center. Visibility is very low. At this moment, several ruling masters set off this fire and that fire, but it is also bright. How lively it is! Hearing this sound, Phoenix had a terrible headache. It was still holding the lute. It came so fast! Harem to get involved, I do not know is the enemy or friend? The two sides had to cease fire temporarily. "At present," still holding the lute: What's the matter? Are you all bullying the weak again? Friends over there, don't be afraid, we will help you! "Current" Phoenix God: What you say sounds better than what you sing. You can't beat yourself. If we want to find help, just say it! Pretending to be a savior? Thinking about it, they were angry. If they hadn't broken in, they would still be shut out by the outside! The "current" knife has no trace: Don't talk nonsense, and if you want to fight, do it. "At present," he still holds the lute in his arms: "Just do it. I'm afraid of you!"! A bunch of hypocrites, I already don't like you! Pipa while clamoring to play the holy light to protect themselves, although the left face of Qingcheng not like her this kind of scolding way of war, but all east destroyed the bridge first, and then Phoenix deceived them, even in order to maintain the family face, this war must be fought. Soon, they became one with Beijia in private. Chapter 61 the battle of artifacts 4. Qianli stood in the middle of the family with a gesture of five on the left and four on the right, indicating that Phoenix, Pansy, Qianli, Moxiang, Taiji and others standing on the left would deal with the harem, while the others would control Beijia. Violet color does not seem to agree with the distribution of thousands of miles, pushing thousands of Li: "You go there." Then he pulled Jin Chen and Mo Xiang and said, "Just give us the harem. You can help us after you solve the problem of Beijia." "Team" Riding a Pig, Catching a Horse and Beating a Wolf: Are you sure the three of us can handle it? "Team" Pansy: No, Question, Question. "Team" Pansy: Ink, you follow them for thousands of miles, manipulate the puppet and entangle the puppet of the femme fatale. "Team" Moxiang: Good. If someone says that the technical operation and combat strength of Pansy Chen are all above Pansy, never doubt its authenticity. Archimedes said, "Give me a place to stand, and I will move the earth." Violet said,caustic calcined magnesite, "Give Violet an equal chance, and Solomon and Aries will have to stand aside.". Blame it on the fact that this guy is used to fooling around in this realistic game. In Jin Chen's own words, "I'm dazzled by the number of beautiful women." 。 stargrace-magnesite.com
